Monday 25 March 2013

Dentures Las Vegas

Why struggle with gaps or the pain of diseased and decayed teeth? Switch to dentures, an easy and simple solution to all your teeth problems! Easy to use and maintain they are ideal for full mouth replacements.

Our team of specialists in Las Vegas is dedicated to providing you natural looking dentures that would sit comfortably in your mouth and cause virtually no pain. We take great measures to ensure comfort and quality of our services.

There are two main types of dentures that we provide - Partial and Full Dentures.

Full Dentures-Full dentures are used when most of the teeth or all of them are damaged or removed due to decay or disease. The dentist or surgeon works with the patient to create a mould of his or her mouth and build the denture to fit the gum impression. There are two types of full dentures.
·         Conventional full denture-The dentist extracts all the teeth from the patient’s mouth and dentures are only fitted once the tissues are healed. This typically takes a few months from the date of extraction so that the patient has sufficient time to recover and heal, but has the disadvantage of exposed gums and the patient not having teeth for that duration.
·         Immediate Full denture-These have the slight advantage over the conventional dentures wherein dentures are fit into the mouth soon after teeth extraction. It has the advantage of the patient not having to wait months for a new set of teeth and no exposed gums. However, the tissues are not completely healed before new dentures are fit in.

Partial Dentures- Partial dentures are fit into a patient’s mouth when one side of the mouth is damaged due to disease or breakage. The dentist works with the patient to create a partial denture that matches as closely as possible to the natural teeth.

Most people find dentures difficult to get used to and experience discomfort during the first few months. Our practiced and skilled professionals create well fitting, comfortable dentures that do not cause any pain or discomfort to the patients. We provide a number of alternatives that would suit the patient so that the patient pursues all his normal activities with no discomfort.

Here at Las Vegas, the patient’s convenience and satisfaction is of highest priority and we take every care to protect oral health while enhancing features with cosmetic dentistry.

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Friday 15 March 2013

Dentures Las Vegas

Dentures Las Vegas

The problems that are associated with dentures are easily overcome by a full mouth restoration dental implant. With a dental implant in place, you don’t have to worry about losing them or forgetting to put them on. Unlike dentures, dental implants are fixed.
Full mouth restoration or full mouth reconstruction, as it is commonly called, is the process of restoring every tooth in your jaw (both upper and lower). A full mouth restoration becomes necessary in cases when a large number of teeth have fallen prey to decay and are beyond help, or the teeth have been very badly injured or fractured. Teeth that have been severely degraded due to teeth grinding, foodstuffs and acid reflux, also need to be extracted and subjected to a full mouth dental implant. Full Dental implants, can also offer you: relief from jaw complaints and adjustment to the bite.
Anthem Periodontics and Dental Implants, provides a complete oral exam during which Dr. De Andrade himself looks into the extent of your problem and provides his expert advice on whether you require a full mouth restoration or not. If it comes out that you do need a full mouth restoration and you are agreeable to having a full dental implant, then a comprehensive action plan is devised by an expert panel. The problems are tackled one by one until your teeth are perfectly reconstructed. The patient’s preferences are kept in mind and he/she is informed about all the various steps involved in the process.
These full mouth restoration dental implants are put directly into the bone which is reinforced to provide it protection against any damage or injury. These dental implants are then built into the gum line to provide a natural appearance and prevent further loss of bone. These implants are perfectly aligned and are fitted in such a manner so as to leave no gaps. Proper oral hygienic along with timely visits to the dentist for cleaning are necessary for the appropriate maintenance of these implants. If properly maintained they can last you a lifetime. Full mouth dental implants are an excellent alternative to dentures.

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Monday 11 March 2013

Dental Implants Las Vegas

Dental Implants Las Vegas

You have been gifted a lovely smile. Why let a missing tooth ruin that? Come to Las Vegas for dental implants and flash that dazzling smile!
Decay, damage or reworking the jaw would require insertion of one tooth or a set of teeth into your mouth.  Or in most cases, an implant is a prerequisite for dentures. With us working your case, no one would ever be able to tell the difference between your real teeth and the implanted tooth. Dental Implants in Las Vegas are handled by our most skilled doctors specialized in shaping your mouth to blend in the implanted tooth with the natural set.
An implant is an artificial tooth root placed in the mouth to hold the replacement tooth. It looks and functions just like a natural tooth, which enables the recipient to eat, drink and smile like they never lost the original tooth. It is easy to maintain as well.
Unlike dentures that are removable, implants are permanent and do not slip or move while eating, talking, laughing or singing. They have the look and feel of natural teeth. There are three kinds of implants depending on the extent of damage and replacement required.
·         Single Implant- A procedure in which a single tooth is replaced by a cosmetic creation. In this case a titanium post is placed into the jaw bone and integrates the synthetic tooth with the post.

·         Multiple Implant-Multiple tooth implants involve the attachment of more than one tooth to the jaw bone. Multiple implants would be required in more serious cases like damage in a boxing ring or accident. Again these have titanium roots that hold the new teeth in place and replace the older bridge procedure.

·         Full mouth restoration-Involves implants replacing the entire set of original teeth. These are recommended when there is high degree of decay, grievous injury to the mouth and jaw, and excessive erosion. Titanium roots are inserted along the length of the jaw and synthetic teeth are attached to the roots. These are permanent and do not move during various activities.
In all three procedures, there is minimal discomfort to the patient during and post surgery so that the patient can enjoy a normal life doing all the things he or she loves. Implants are not restrictive in any aspect and function smoothly with the rest of the mouth.
Come to Las Vegas for your dental implants and take a million pictures of that smile!

Friday 1 February 2013

Cosmetic Dentist in Las Vegas

Anthem Periodontics and Dental Implants in Las Vegas offer you the option of sporting a picture perfect smile through the use of cosmetic surgery. The staffs are dedicated to making your experience as comfortable and relaxing as possible. Dr. De Andrade is among the top rated dentist in Las Vegas. He specializes in periodontics and implantology. His education, training and expertise combined with the latest technology in this field, will ensure that your teeth look as good as they deserve to look. The cosmetic surgery options offered by Anthem Periodontics and Dental Implants are all very effective and efficient. Some options offered are detailed below:
Frenulectomy: It is a surgical procedure used to relieve a condition called tongue-tie. In this condition the patient can exercise only limited tongue movement. This may be a result of abnormal attachment of the lingual frenulum towards the tongue’s tip or the attachment of the frenulum too far along the base of the tongue.
Ridge Augmentation Procedure: It is a surgical procedure to correct the unsightly gap between the gums and the replacement teeth. This procedure requires anaesthesia and should be done only by very qualified doctors like Dr. De Andrade who has years of experience and knowledge to perform this surgery to best of the conclusions.
Gum Lift: is a cosmetic dental process in which the gum line is raised and sculpted to perfection. This procedure is mostly used to reduce a gummy smile, though it may also be used to even out the gum line. This process may be a painful one, if not for the advanced techniques utilized at Anthem Periodontics and Dental Implants.
Tongue Piercing Damage Repair: If you want your tongue to be treated with caution and the expertise of a top rated Cosmetic dentist in Las Vegas then you don’t have to look farther than Dr. De Andrade. Improper tongue piercing damage repair can cause infections and speech impediments.
Tooth Uncovery/ exposure: In certain cases the tooth may not come out of the gum properly, it is then advisable to seek professional medical assistance as offered by Anthem Periodontics and Dental Implants.

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Cosmetic Dentist in Las vegas